The so called oppositions are surprised to hear someone close to the gov criticizing the administration in #Eritrea. Yes Dr. Berhe Habte-Giorgis is correct. There are many things in Eritrea need improvements. Critics are welcome by PFDJ. It is part of EPLF culture. What unwelcome is betrayal.
Mussie Sibhatu said the above in response of the many rumors trying to misinform the fact stated by the Dr. in the resent time. Visit and watch the interview here at Eplf HGDEF Vision Room Paltalk.
To be adding some, blackmailing with the dark heart you have and paid mercenary against the people and government of Eritrea is unacceptable here.
Meanwhile of the critics made by the respected Doctor, we shall recognize the upgraded mental ability of our people in all aspects in the recent "Challenging Situation", like unity, with no discrimination, no racism, no religious conflicts or obsessions, no classes, improved health status, high illiteracy rate, equal distributions, almost equal gender participations, no political extremisms, building basic infrastructures/framework, and more importantly, the extreme anticipation for change and building a business matters are among the highest potential of the Eritrean people who are staying inside and abroad countries.
We don't really much concerned on what and how kind of political system we should have. But we need the ground and green light to build our own economic norms, industrial branches, manufacturing companies, financial corporations, successive and leading media services, lean and clean public administrations, effective national services, centralized military and security advancements, applying an improved justice system, and mostly is a transparent "government-public" relationships. Including some others for sure.
Victory to the Mass!!!